In advance of our forthcoming open reading period (10/1/24 thru 03/31/25) we will consider only a representative sampling of poems from single author manuscripts translated into English from any language

Provide both the original and your translated version in a sampling of up to eight (8) poems via our Submittable portal below. There is no interest in manuscripts translated by their author.

There is no limitation to style and there is no fee

Poets whose volumes of verses have been overly translated into English are of no interest

Poets who may never have been or hardly translated into English and who, as a result, may have been completely overlooked are those whose work we seek

We only want to receive translations from individual volumes of poetry rather than from the ‘selected’ or ‘collected’ works of a particular poet, living or dead

When submitting, please supply us with a brief bio of both translator and poet (translator must not also be author)

Also, furnish us with a statement that grants us permission to publish both the original work and its translation in book form along with proof that you are in a position to provide such a statement which, if chosen for publication by us, would be required anyway

If our interest extends beyond the sample of poems submitted, we will then request that the entire manuscript, from which this initial sampling came, be submitted to us for its full consideration

The Bitter Oleander Press